Methods of delivery
- We use DHL for international orders.
- Orders within Finland are sent via Posti or DHL.
- If you wish, we can wrap your order beautifully to be given as a gift. You can add gift wrapping for your purchase in the shopping cart by clicking the picture of a gift or by writing e.g. “I want my order to be gift wrapped” in the text field.
Delivery costs
All domestic and international orders are delivered free of charge. We also cover insurance for all deliveries.
Delivery times
- Pieces of jewellery that are in stock are delivered within 2–10 working days from the date when the order was placed, depending on the destination.
- The average delivery time for items that are not in stock is 6 weeks. Please contact us if you would like a more detailed timeline.
- We will hand over the orders to the courier or the post as soon as your order has been packaged, normally no later than the working day after you placed your order.
- Orders placed at the weekend are usually dispatched the following working day.
Exchange and returns
You have 14 days from receipt to return in-stock jewellery. You can also exchange the item for another piece of the same value. The customer is responsible for return postage and potential loss of items during transport.
If you wish to cancel your order, you must notify us clearly of this. Returning the item or failing to collect it is not sufficient notice of cancellation.
We place a seal on all the items we dispatch. Once the seal has been broken, items can no longer be returned. Returned items must be unused, without scratches and carefully packaged to avoid damage during transit.
Items that have been made to order and are not in stock cannot be returned.