Kukkarintaneulasta voit aistia, ettei se ole tavanomainen sarjatuotettu ylikeveä koru, vaan kaunista ja huolella tehtyä suomalaista designia.
Kukkasormus on veikeän kauniisti erilainen sormus tavanomaisuuden sijaan.
Herkästi erilainen. Sormuksessa on aitoja kukkia sekä Akoya-helmiä.Kuvissa erilaisia vaihtoehtoja. Kysythän lisää.
If you want to give someone the gift of jewellery, but are unsure of their preferences, then giving them our gift card is a smart approach and a beautiful gesture....
Pakkaamme tilaamasi tuotteet halutessasi valmiiksi kauniisiin lahjapaketteihin.
A charming leaf pendant. We have used a real leaf to create this piece, and that makes each pendant unique. The leaves are made of white and red gold and...
A special cut diamond which almost looks like it is floating inside the ring. The surrounding circle of diamonds gives the piece a certain dignity. This is a unique diamond...
The leaves from plants and trees are an important part of the cycle of nature. They fill the world with colour and create the oxygen that is vital for all living things. And of course they are also beautiful.